
The Methodology for the 2026 Ocean Benchmark

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The Ocean Benchmark

The Ocean Benchmark is part of the World Benchmarking Alliance’s wider efforts to improve corporate accountability and aims to specifically clarify and articulate business responsibility towards seas and ocean.

The idea of introducing a benchmark that shines a spotlight on the ocean economy emerged from WBA’s Nature Benchmark results, which showed that corporate action to maintain and promote marine biodiversity is lagging behind action for land and freshwater resources.

Driven by the urgency of filling this gap, in 2026 WBA is planning to publish its first Ocean Benchmark, assessing 125 companies in key sectors dependent on oceans, including seafood, for their contribution towards halting and reversing nature loss in marine ecosystems.

About this methodology

This methodology draws on wider WBA benchmarking work, including the previous Seafood Stewardship Index. Our research methodology received feedback from ocean communities, companies, scientists and civil society. More than 50 stakeholders gave input and more than 12 reviewed the document before its final publication.

A crucial topic that this methodology seeks to address is the nexus between nature, people and corporate behaviour. In addition to nature-related concerns, human rights and social impacts are fundamental for sustainability. Thus, in addition to nature-specific indicators, the Ocean Benchmark will include a set of 18 core social indicators covering topics such as human rights due diligence, decent working conditions for employees and ethical corporate behaviour, next to eight other social responsibility indicators.

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Join the conversation

Our first Ocean webinar is coming soon. Join us on 22 January 2025 to dive deeper into the methodology of the Ocean Benchmark. Expect research insights and the opportunity to ask questions about our future benchmark.

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