
WBA at the Paris AI Action Summit

Join us at the Paris AI Action Summit to explore new ways of holding AI giants accountable!

When: Tuesday 11 February, 10:30-12:30 CET
Location: Le Hasard Ludique, Paris
Cost: Free

Register here to join us in Paris on February 11! 

How can we push companies to govern AI “the right way” when regulatory mechanisms vanish, fail, or don’t exist in the first place?

On the morning of February 11, WBA will host an interactive event on the sidelines of the Paris AI Action Summit. Our goal: to bring together a diverse group of people ready to roll up their sleeves and break down effective strategies of holding corporate AI giants accountable.  

While global leaders gather at the Grand Palais to debate varied visions of an automated future, we will meet at Le Hasard Ludique, a vibrant cultural center set in a former train station, to sketch out the counterweights.  

Our workshop, free and open to all, will explore emerging and maturing models of keeping tech companies accountable for the impact of the AI services they develop, buy, and roll out to the public. Drawing on new data and case studies, we will focus on strategies ranging from journalistic investigations and collective pressure campaigns to assessing companies’ transparency through civil society benchmarks. 

Some of the questions we will tackle: 

  • When does collective advocacy work better than private engagement with companies? How can we tell when it’s time to escalate? 
  • How can grassroots groups and investors can draw on each other’s progress in holding AI companies accountable? 
  • Who is best positioned to fill knowledge gaps and expose specific algorithmic harms?  
  • What impacts of AI and its broader tech ecosystem are still hidden in our blind spots? 
  • How do these dynamics vary across borders and industries? 

Several leaders from civil society, the responsible investing community, and the philanthropic world will set the scene at the start of the event. We will announce the speaker line-up shortly. 

Register here
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