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Veolia Environnement

Assessed in 2024

Veolia Environnement is a French transnational company with activities in water management, waste management and energy services. In 2023, Veolia employed 218,000 people in 58 countries, making it one of the largest employers in the world. Veolia serves 113 million people with drinking water and 103 million people with wastewater services, and recovers 63 million metric tons of waste annually.

Total score
11.5 /20
Measurement theme Score

Respect human rights

7.0 /10

Provide and promote decent work

2.0 /6

Act ethically

2.5 /4
Total score 11.5 /20

More about the company


This company is part of the SDG2000, the 2,000 most influential companies globally

See company profile SDG2000