Key areas and species
Kering does not disclose the locations of its own operations or the locations of its suppliers that are in or adjacent to areas important for biodiversity. Furthermore, it does not disclose species populations existing in or adjacent to its own locations or that of its suppliers. Lastly, Kering does not disclose the status according to national and international conservation lists of those species identified in its own locations.
Ecosystem conversion and restoration
As part of its biodiversity strategy, Kering has a commitment to ensure zero deforestation and zero conversion of ecosystems with high conservation value for all of its key commodities. The company aims to avoid all products originating from the conversion of ecosystems with high conservation value, in line with a target of no net loss of nature by 2030. However, it does not disclose the details and outcomes of any restoration projects undertaken.
Resource exploitation and circularity
While Kering discloses activities to improve soil health or agrobiodiversity in its production or sourcing practices, it does not have a target to improve soil health in its production or sourcing practices.
Kering does not directly report on quantitative reductions in water withdrawal across its own operations and those of its business relationships, nor does it disclose time-bound targets to lead on these reductions. Furthermore, no information was found concerning the amount of water withdrawn from water-stressed areas as a direct result of its operations or those of its suppliers. Regarding water pollution, while Kering indirectly reports decreases in water pollution, and discloses processes for managing and monitoring discharge water quality, it does not report regularly on specific water quality parameters. Finally, Kering has yet to publicly commit to respecting the right to water as well as to disclose its processes for implementing preventive and corrective action plans for identified specific risks to the right to water and sanitation in its own operations.
Solid and air pollution
Kering lacks a commitment to avoid developing or marketing new chemicals or products with SVHC (substance of very high concern) properties. In addition, while Kering is reducing the production of hazardous waste, as well as plastic use and waste in its own operations, insufficient evidence of reporting on the total amount of plastic waste generated and proportions directed from or to disposal could be found in the public domain.
Greenhouse gas emissions
Kering’s scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions’ targets are aligned with a 1.5-degree trajectory. However, its scope 1 and 2 emissions increased in 2021 compared to 2020 and 2019. Similarly, no evidence could be found suggesting that Kering reduced its scope 3 emissions in 2021 compared to previous years.
Invasive species
Kering does not identify the business activities that could lead to the introduction of IAS in its own operations.