Impact and dependencies assessment
Fortescue discloses some initiatives around biodiversity, including management plans line fauna management plan and the vegetation health monitoring and management plan. However, it does not disclose a clear assessment of its impacts on nature, including biodiversity, within its own operations or in its supply chain. The company has not holistically assessed how it depends on nature, including biodiversity.
Key areas and species
Fortescue clearly discloses some of its sites are in or within close proximity to areas important to biodiversity, however it is unclear whether the sites mentioned are the only ones in this situation and whether the company has conducted a systematic assessment regarding this. The company does not disclose the locations of its suppliers that are in or adjacent to areas important for biodiversity. Moreover it does not disclose species populations existing in or adjacent to its own locations, nor to the locations of its suppliers. The company discloses the status according to national and international conservation lists of species identified in its own locations.
Ecosystem conversion and restoration
No evidence was found regarding the company’s efforts to avoid ecosystem conversion, including deforestation, or promote restoration. The company has an opportunity to develop a strategy and publicly report on specific, time-bound targets.
Resource exploitation and circularity
Fortescue does not disclose its inputs, including its material footprint. The company does not report quantitatively on its group-wide circularity performance, nor its efforts to improve soil health.
Fortescue has disclosed certain information regarding its water withdrawals, however the information is insufficient to state that it reduces water withdrawal across its own operations. It discloses some targets regarding water abstractions, however the company does not disclose a time-bound target to reduce water withdrawal across its own operations. The company reports how much water is withdrawn for its own operations in water-stressed areas. Fortescue does not engage with suppliers to reduce water withdrawal. The company does not report a decrease in water pollution or disclose its processes for managing and monitoring discharge water quality. It does not regularly report on water pollution or disclose targets to reduce water pollution. Fortescue does not disclose a commitment to respect the right to water. The company does not disclose its processes for implementing preventive and corrective action plans for identified specific risks to the right to water and sanitation in its own operations.
Solid and air pollution
Fortescue discloses its process to identify and manage hazardous waste and states the amount of hazardous waste, as per the Basel Convention, but there is no evidence that the company is reducing the production of hazardous waste was found. No evidence that the company reduces plastic use and waste in its own operations was found. The company does not report on the amount of plastic waste generated and proportions directed from or to disposal. The company reports regularly on air quality parameters of emissions of harmful air pollutants. The company does not report time-bound targets to reduce air pollutants across the most material parts of its value chain.
GHG emissions
The company is reducing its scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions. Fortescue has committed to achieve carbon neutrality within its operations by 2030, which includes its Scope 1 emissions, as well as Scope 2 emissions related to electricity consumption. The company states it will aim at a yearly 3% reduction to achieve its target, which is not aligned with a 1.5 degree trajectory. The company reports progress against its scope 1 and 2 emissions target. Fortescue commits to net zero Scope 3 emissions by 2040, which is not aligned with a 1.5 degree trajectory.
Invasive species
The company has not identified any activities that could lead to the introduction of invasive alien species in its own operations.