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BYD (比亚迪股份有限公司)

BYD is a publicly listed auto manufacturer headquartered in China. In 2019 it had US$18.5 billion in revenue and sales of over 450,000 vehicles. BYD's mission is to be the leader in low-carbon – or ‘new energy’ – vehicles. All of BYD’s production and sales are in mainland China.

Narrative Score
Trend Score
  • Trend line is up
  • Trend line is equal
  • Trend line is down
Performance module name Performance module score Rank (0-30)


0.0 /3 #19

Material Investment

0.0 /0.4 #12

Intangible Investment

0.0 /2.4 #23

Sold product performance

7.0 /7 #1


0.0 /2.2 #28


0.0 /1.2 #23


0.0 /0.8 #15

Policy Engagement

0.6 /1.2 #6

Business Model

0.2 /1.8 #19

Leading practices

Risks and opportunities


BYD is awarded a trend score of +. If BYD were re-assessed in the near future, its score would most likely improve given the company’s continuous commitment to developing low-carbon vehicles. However, BYD has not published a time-bound emissions reduction target or a low-carbon transition plan. It is, therefore, unclear how the company is approaching a low-carbon future. Moreover, while BYD has not published a transition strategy, it has established multiple business models which contribute to its low-carbon transition. Given that a stable fraction of revenue – between 7 to 8 percent – comes from solar power solutions, to some extent BYD has prepared itself for a better alignment with the low-carbon transition.

Progress towards the Paris Agreement

See results for

  1. 2021

More about the company

Ownership structure
Publicly listed
Revenue (2019)
US$18.5 billion
Number of vehicles sold (2019)