The World Benchmarking Alliance is a foundation officially registered as an ANBI (A Public Benefit Organisation is best comparable to an ANBI) in the Netherlands under the registered name Stichting World Benchmarking Alliance Foundation with RSIN 850999765.
World Benchmarking Alliance
Prins Hendrikkade 25
1012 TM Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Mission and vision
WBA envisions a society that values the success of business by what it contributes to the world. To do so WBA’s mission is to measure how businesses impact people and planet, so that together we can hold companies accountable for contributing to sustainable development.
Our long-term strategic plan is the seven systems transformations for benchmarking companies on the SDGs which can be consulted here. This report, together with the strategic guidance and approval of our Supervisory Board and our donors leads to a more detailed annual plan.
Biennial plan 2025-2026
Annual plan 2024
Annual plan 2023
Annual plan 2022
Annual plan 2021
Annual plan 2020
Annual plan 2019
The Foundation’s work is funded by different governments and foundations. An overview of those funding partners can be found here.
WBA’s annual reports offer both an overview of our activities and a detailed overview of our financial situation, including the management remuneration. The Foundation’s finances are audited annually by an independent external auditor and overseen by the Supervisory Board, which is independent from the Executive Board.
Annual reports
See allFair use donation
We also operate with what we call the ‘fair-use donation’. We trust any for-profit or not-for-profit entity (regardless of whether or not they are an Ally), that benefits financially from using WBA’s work, to make a fair-use donation.
Learn more