In the media
In the media listing
Post listing
309 items
Top companies need to decide if they are powerful or helpless
FT Sustainable Views
The unintended consequences of ESG investing — and how to prevent them
FT Moral Money
Asset owners urge managers to rethink sustainability to avoid emerging market divestment
Fashion Brands Make Slow Progress On Nature, Kering Does Best
Car manufacturers are NOT committed to tackling the climate crisis
The Canary
Companies ill-prepared for urban climate risks
ESG Investor
World’s most influential property and architecture companies failing on climate
The Developer
Accountability is key to changing business behavior
Seafood Source
Sustainable Japan
Asia-Pacific likely to benefit from UN digital framework
China Daily
Nature disclosures: $1.4trn investor coalition presses big businesses for data
WBA Nature coalition calls for better reporting
ESG Investor
Asset owners urge managers to rethink sustainability
Pension funds join forces with WBA over EM divestment concerns
Responsible Investor
Why investors should now be paying close attention to the energy transition
Majority of top global firms falling short on human rights and ethical standards
Nine in 10 top global companies failing to uphold human rights
Al Jazeera
European companies ‘not ready’ for CSDDD
FT Sustainable Views
The role of the private sector in delivering just transitions
Corporate Nature Strategy Critical To Tackling $58 Trillion At Risk
Major steel, cement, and aluminium firms still off track for 1.5C goals
Business Green
Europe’s steelmakers risk missing climate targets despite billions in subsidies
Financial Times
Steel companies ‘yet to prove their mettle’ in race for net zero
What China’s actions tell us about a new era of global corporate reporting
FT Sustainable Views
The CSDDD: How the Phoenix Can Rise from the Ashes
Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance
Sustainability reporting is coming into mainstream
Accountancy Today
Call for more transparency as fashion continues to fail on human rights
“Grim Picture” on Companies’ Progress to SDGs
ESG Investor
Solo el 28% de las empresas agroalimentarias reducen sus extracciones de agua
El Periodico
Solo 1 de 4 empresas agroalimentarias se compromete con el cuidado del agua
Diario responsable
Gerbrand Haverkamp: ‘Make it simple – and when you think you’ve done it, make it simpler’
Business Green
Land rights: A responsible mining code is a step in the right direction
The Wall Street Journal
Asian companies must reckon with their impact on the natural world
Nikkei Asia
Tightfisted global brands heighten RMG workers’ woes
The Financial Express
Research shows world’s electric utilities companies are progressing towards renewable energy but the change is too slow
The Associated Press
Brand Watch: Instead of marking their own homework on climate action, could COP28 bring companies to book?
‘We had expected to have come further’: World’s largest seafood firms disappointed by supply chain reports
Undercurrent News
Fast Fashion Race Losing Speed
ESG Investor
Nigerian oil firms abandon UN 2060 zero emission race – Report
The Punch
Oil and gas firms making ‘almost no progress’ towards Paris goals: CDP
The Strait Times
Menambah energi terbarukan sama dengan menambah pertambangan: aksi iklim jangan sampai menumbalkan masyarakat
The Conversation
Human rights rules could give bankers a run for their money
Financial Times
Property sector scored for lack of climate plans
Manila Times
Perempuan di Indonesia Masih Alami Kesenjangan dalam Mengakses Internet
Less than 14% of world’s major tech companies deliver on digital inclusion: Report
ETCIO South-East Asia
How A Framework For Corporate Political Responsibility Can Enhance Business Social And Environmental Sustainability
減碳熱潮下被遺忘的生物多樣性風險!首份Nature Benchmark榜單透露了什麼?
Yahoo! New Taiwan
Empresas IPSA logran en promedio 40% de cumplimiento, tras inédito diagnóstico sobre Derechos Humanos
El Mostrador
Reality bites as finance firms row back on their climate pledges
COP15: Whose business is nature anyway?
What does ‘nature positive’ mean – and can it rally support to stop biodiversity loss?
The Guardian
Foxconn protests show inattention to worker rights can have disastrous results
South China Morning Post | Letters
The EU must not let the finance sector off the hook on sustainability
Les institutions financières encore loin du compte sur leurs engagements ESG
Transport firms are stuck on the runway on climate action. We need lift-off
Transport giants ‘reinvesting less than 1% of revenues in low-carbon transition’
WBA, Fidelity International & Boston Common launch coalition to address AI ethical risks
AI Journal
The climate crisis is a hunger crisis
Companies from developing markets are crucial to meet the SDGs
Context (TRF)
Asset managers draw lines ahead of oil company AGMs
FT Sustainable Views
Agriculture companies are key to achieving the SDGs
Oil and gas giants challenged by investor coalition
Responsible Investor
Systems Change Is Harder Than It Looks
WBA launches Nature Benchmark methodology
Environmental Finance
WBA on ‘why social sustainability matters’
99% of leading firms are failing to be socially responsible
Business Green
Nestlé parmi les meilleures entreprises en termes de responsabilité sociale
Firmenich ranked by WBA ‘amongst the leaders of the food industry’
Just 1% of companies demonstrate ‘fundamentals’ of social responsibility
99% of businesses neglecting social sustainability commitments
Which are leading seed companies in South East Asia?
Agriculture Today
5 Sustainability Themes to Expect in 2022
Top 250 Rankings in 2021
The Wall Street Journal
Telecoms companies top digital inclusion rankings
CNBC Africa
Hopes for biodiversity after COP26
Responsible Investor
‘Red flag’ on electricity and car firms
Business Green
Carmakers and utility firms are failing on net zero
The Independent
How asset managers fit in the ‘Just Transition’
Investment Week
Energy and automotive giants ‘failing to ensure just transition
Index shows slow progress on sustainability and rights
Fish Farmer Magazine
Two key problems will keep sustainability reporting from changing the world
Big food companies ‘failing dismally’ on both climate and human rights
Reuters Sustainable Business
Most food and agriculture giants are failing on human rights and emissions
Responsible Investor
Food Sector Failing to Set Paris-Aligned Emissions Targets
ESG Investor
How to invest in companies that keep the environment safe
Transitioning finance to finance the transition
It’s time for a new approach to climate action
Hong Kong International Business Channel interviews WBA
Hong Kong International Business Channel
Food industry starts to measure sustainability
Financial Times
Oil and gas efforts to cut emissions ‘just smoke and mirrors’
Le secteur du gaz et du pétrole ne respectera pas l’Accord de Paris
Le Temps
60% of sustainability claims by fashion giants are greenwashing
Top fashion brands found failing on gender equality in new index
Is There Sex Equality in The Fashion Industry?
Africa: Top Fashion Brands Found Failing On Gender Equality in New Index
All Africa
Companies and investors need to prioritise human rights long after the pandemic
Thomson Reuters Foundation News
The ESG Interview: Human Rights Risk is a Business Risk
ESG Investor
More than 500 companies to be ranked on nature impacts by WBA
Responsible Investor
Investors call out companies over human rights risks
Pensions & Investments
Sustainability bonds accused of failing to address social issues
Responsible Investor
Setting benchmarks for gender equality
The Elephant in the Room podcast
Corporate greenwashing is all the rage. How can we stop it?
탄소중립이행법과 정의로운 전환의 주류화 (Normalising a Just Transition)
Access to Seeds Index with Alice Ingabire
A CEO’s take on the living wage
World Economic Forum
The Decade of Action: Evolving North-South Partnerships
IISD SDG Knowledge Hub
The rise of social metrics in ESG reporting
How do we ensure decarbonisation works for all?
Open Access Government
New benchmarks for ESG accountability
Investors press companies with Xinjiang ties to clean up supply chains
S&P Global
Derechos Humanos Corporativos y la reconstrucción inclusiva
Diario Responsable
Covid-19 Exposed Corporates’ Inadequate Treatment of Workers
ESG Investor
Companies have failed to adequately manage human rights risks during COVID-19
Business and Human Rights Resource Centre
#SustyTalk: Dan Neale on delivering social transformation
WBA to benchmark financial system contribution to global goals
Asset News
Analysis of India’s Responsible Business Framework
Nikkei ESG
What companies can do to fix our broken food system?
Reuters / Ethical Corporation
Ruoli e responsabilità: il ritardo del settore agroalimentare per gli SDGs
The MAP Report
Live TV: WBA discusses meat-free alternatives
TRT World
Shipping aviation and car makers failing to align to Paris Agreement
Human rights must find a permanent place in the boardroom
World Economic Forum
PLDT-Smart leads in Asia and emerging markets
The Manila Times
Samsung Electronics in ‘Global Top 10’ of Digital Inclusion Index
The Korean Herald
PLDT ranked as fourth in top 100 ‘most influential’ ICT companies worldwide
Business World
PLDT leads Asia, ranks 4th globally in digital inclusion
The Philippine Star
Telefónica lidera el ranking europeo DIB de empresas que promueven la inclusión digital
El Confidencial
Telstra tops World Benchmarking Alliance list of 100 technology companies promoting digital inclusivity
Telefónica lidera el ranking europeo DIB de empresas que promueven la inclusión digital
Digital Inclusion Benchmark 2020 ranks Chinese companies
China Daily
UN-Backed Global Benchmark Ranks Companies for Digital Inclusion in Mainland China
Xinhua News Agency
How Nonprofit Leaders Can Partner With The Private Sector To Create Change — Even In Challenging Times
Accountants cruciaal voor voedseltransitie
Financieel Management
How child labor could be fueling your electric car
Human Trafficking Search
What we need to transition to a circular economy
Business Fights Poverty
Carmakers including Tesla and Honda ‘driving in the slow lane’ towards climate goals
Corporate Giants are Falling Down on Human Rights, says study
Al Jazeera
Grit in the Oyster: CHRB
FT Moral Money
Eni è prima nell’indice sui diritti umani del Corporate Human Rights Benchmark
La Stampa
Announcement of Corporate Human Rights Benchmark in 2020
Sustainable Japan
Companies falling short on human rights despite mounting investor pressure
ESG Investor
Starbucks and Phillips 66 among firms called out by investor-backed SDG initiative on human rights
Responsible Investor
World’s largest companies failing to demonstrate human rights due diligence to investors
Investment Week ESG Blog
Half of corporates unable to prove they are protecting human rights, report reveals
Global giants’ human rights record attacked
The Telegraph
WBA to release corporate scores on human rights and food
Nikkei Japan
Oil firms need a new covenant with investors
Argus Media
Decarbonisation and energy transformation: Electric utilities
Asia Analysis
Conscience investors put their values into stocks
Financial Times
Gender inequality in apparel industry going unnoticed
Just Style
Gender data in industry “woefully insufficient”
Ecotextile News
What are grocers doing to tackle food poverty?
Retail Gazette
Decarbonisation and energy transformation: Electric utilities
Open Access Government
Can all energy giants be like Orsted?
Business Green
#SustyTalk: WBA’s Vicky Sins on resilience and climate ambition post-pandemic
Can Human Rights Due Diligence Help Investors Understand Latin America?
Earth911 Podcast: The World Benchmarking Alliance Reports on Energy Producers’ Carbon Footprint
Aboriginal groups call for Rio to lose human rights status after caves blast
Report: Decarbonization of World’s 50 Most Influential Power Companies Bleak
POWER Magazine
World Benchmarking Alliance, Top PLN Assessment in South and Southeast Asia
‘Lights out for the Paris Agreement’?: Electricity utilities flunk sustainability report card
Business Green
WBA: Less than 10% of electric utilities are taking Paris-Agreement-aligned climate action
Australian Indigenous Organisations Call for Rio Tinto to Be Stripped of Its Status as a Human Rights Leader
Global Citizen
Long term matters – risk calls for universal investors
Takeaway pints arre all the rage, but what about plastic pollution?
The Telegraph
WBA boost supervisory board
Refinitiv unveils new SDG aligned sustainability strategy
WBA social indicators: An opportunity to provide feedback
Cargill ahead on sustainability issues
Cargill sustainability report highlights move to 100 percent sustainable sourcing of marine ingredients
Seafood source
Can Asia be the world’s first region to achieve energy transformation for all?
Open Access Government
Disclosure regulation alone will not solve ESG issues
Expert Investor
Corporate Human Rights Benchmark
Something for Europeans to celebrate – a new social contract begins to emerge?
From contracts to time off, a plan to protect workers during coronavirus
SDG17, Corona and the battle for a collaborative future
Business Green
Investors with US$5 trillion call on governments to institute mandatory human rights due diligence measures for companies
Responsible Investor
Companies with embedded sustainability better placed to weather covid storm
Investors write to businesses calling for action on human rights
Warmest oceans ever force tuna titan to start protecting fish
The Japan Times
Costco, Prada and Starbucks challenged on human rights disclosures
Financial Times
SA business giants score rock bottom on employee human rights
The Citizen
Half of corporates unable to prove they are protecting human rights, report finds
Human rights really aren’t all that important, just ask 200 leading companies
How World Benchmarking Alliance chose the 2,000 companies key to delivering the SDGs
Reuters / Ethical Corporation
Crystal group selected as keystone company of SDG2000
World Benchmarking Alliance: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
Aviva’s Waygood calls for international panel on climate finance
What the Coronavirus Outbreak Reveals About the Current Corporate Response to Human Rights
Sustainable Brands
Boss’s Instagram posts claim BP is turning over a bright new leaf
This is Money / Mail on Sunday
The SDGs: investing in the future
International Bar Association
When will the business elite walk the talk?
Davos, without snark
Green Biz
Corporate Accountability at Davos a ‘Step in Right Direction’
CSR Wire
Demand for insights on impact performance surges
Expert Investor
Davos is vóór het klimaat, maar dat is makkelijker gezegd dan gedaan
NRC / Handelsblad
What business really care about?
The New Nation
Is big business coming to save the day?
Deutsche Welle
Push for 2000 global firms to meet UN goals
Textile Exchange launches new 2020 Material Change Index
Can single use plastic be eliminated?
BBC World Service Radio
Groupe PSA Recognized for Low-Carbon Initiatives
Yahoo Singapore News
Does business really care about people and nature?
Moral Money Davos special: They are making a list
FT Moral Money
2000 Companies ranked by sustainability influence
European pension funds among top influential sustainable firms
Expert Investor
PSA parmi les meilleurs élèves de la transition bas carbone selon le CDP
Autos Infos
Microsoft, Nestle and Blackrock put climate action centre stage at Davos
Reuters / Ethical Corporation
Dear Davos: Time to declare an emergency for people and planet
The European Sting
Groupe PSA Confirmed as One of the Global Leaders of the Low-Carbon Transition by the Non-Profit Organization CDP
Business Wire
International accounting groups call for better sustainable development-disclosures
Accounting Today
Accounting bodies call for urgent overhaul of corporate SDG reporting
Shareholder Rebuttal to Tyson Foods on Human Rights Due Diligence
Street Insider
Aviva Investors: Better corporate disclosure needed to help sustainable finance go mainstream
To all responsible investors: “Our ask is simple: please show your stewardship mettle”
Responsible Investor
Companies get failing score on human rights
Corporate Knights
‘We need companies to promote social protectionism in the coming trade wars’
Ethical Corporation
‘The clock is ticking on holding companies accountable for delivering the SDGs’
Ethical Corporation Magazine
Industria automotriz en riesgo de incumplir los objetivos climáticos de París, advierte estudio
Automakers Accelerating Climate Change, Failing to Put the Brakes on Emissions
A fenntarthatóság számít
EU’s green deal one of few glimmers of hope amid disappointing COP25
Ethical Corporation
Nueva Pescanova inicia la transición energética de sus fábricas con una planta fotovoltaica en Namibia
La Vanguardia
How Kellogg prioritises Human Rights in its Supply Chain
World Benchmarking Alliance ranks 25 automotive companies on climate & energy
Business and Human Rights Center
Las automotrices pueden no alcanzar los objetivos climáticos de París si no venden suficientes vehículos bajos en carbono
Основатель и бывший исполнительный директор IIRC перешел в американский SASB
Social issues take back seat to environmental concerns
Pensions & Investments
COP25 Overnight Briefing: Can Greta’s arrival spark life into Paris Agreement talks?
Business Green
Car giants ‘driving wih the brakes on’ towards climate goals, report warns
SASB Appoints Globally Recognized Corporate Reporting Expert Paul Druckman to Its Governing Board
Cision PR Newswire
Insider Perspective: The United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights 2019
World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Constructing the Future: Breaking new ground in International Human Rights Law
Finnish EU Council Presidency puts forward action agenda on BHR, acknowledging need for EU due diligence regulation
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
More calls for EU law on human rights in supply chain
Just Style
The much-needed genesis of a global climate and energy benchmark
Sustainability Outlook
Top-ranked Thai Union shares concerns on SSI
Renewable energy companies can protect local communities from harm if they source responsibly
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
Thai Union Public : Achieves Its Target in Subordinated Perpetual Debentures and Senior Debentures Offerings
Most businesses failing on human rights due diligence, major ranking shows
Opinion: What some PSUs are doing wrong on human rights
Low score for apparel firms on human rights
Serious allegations of rights violations against Indian Companies: UK Non-Profit
18 Japanese companies evaluated in the Corporate Human Rights Benchmark 2019
Sustainable Japan
CP Foods vows to protect human rights of workers
The Phnom Penh Post
Children exploited for minerals
DWT Online
More than half of corporates not meeting ‘basic requirements’ on human rights
Starbucks, Amazon and Costco rapped for weak human rights disclosure
Financial Times
CP Foods vows to protect human rights of workers as US mounts pressure on Thailand
The Nation Thailand
ICT Corporate Human Rights Appraisal TSMC No.10
United Daily News
CP Foods Commits On Non-Violation Of Human Rights In All Forms
Fishing for change – are the world’s most influential seafood companies doing enough?
Ausgezeichnet Nachhaltig
Food Service
Thai Union, Mowi, CP top benchmarking of firms against SDGs
Undercurrent News - seafood news from below the surface
Fishing sector needs a clean slate
Bangkok Post
Thai Union es la empresa que mejor trabaja la sostenibilidad en todos los procesos
New Index Ranks World’s Largest Seafood Companies on UN SDGs
Environmental + Energy Leader
How to spot greenwashing
FT Adviser
New index ranks top 30 seafood companies on sustainability progress
Seafood Source
Biomar Ranked top by sustainability alliance
World Fishing and Aquaculture
BioMar Group lidera empresas de alimentos en ranking de sustentabilidad
Mundo Acuicola
Trots op ranking duurzame wereldlijst
ไทยยูเนี่ยนยืนยันไม่มีผลกระทบกับธุรกิจบริษัทฯ จากกรณีสหรัฐฯระงับมาตรการสิทธิพิเศษภาษีศุลกากรสินค้า (GSP)
Conozca el detalle de las 30 empresas acuícolas-pesqueras que aparecen en nuevo ranking de sustentabilidad
WBA lanza el primer ranking de empresas pesqueras y acuícolas por su impacto en los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible de la ONU
Seafood Stwardship Index lists CP Foods among the top companies for human rights and supply chain stewardship
The Fish Site
‘ไทยยูเนี่ยน’ ยัน ไทยถูกตัดสิทธิจีเอสพี ไม่กระทบธุรกิจบริษัท
World Benchmarking Alliance launches Seafood Stewardship Index, calling for bolder action to achieve SDGs
Business and Human Rights Center
ODS16. Nueva Pescanova se consolida como la primera empresa pesquera por su Contribución a los ODS
Seafood Stewardship Index launched
Environmental Finance
Warning: Facts Ahead! Bayer on Policy Making, Glyphosate verdits and the Neonics Ban
Europe Seed website
Mowi på annenplass i ny bærekraftsrangering
Seafood Stewardship Index: why aquaculture leaders must “step up” to achieve UN’s SDGs
The Fish Site
WBCSD Finds Corporate Reports Focus Most on SDGs 8, 12, 13
Can Corporate Social Responsibility Be Legally Enforced?
Japan supply chain management and human rights
Nikkei ESG
Food and Agriculture Benchmark: draft industry and company scope
League tables could show climate change status
BBC News
Moral Money special: Takeaways, Enel CEO, Unilever’s Polman
Financial Times
Today: Extinction Rebellion is taking climate change protest to the streets of London – what are big investors doing?
BBC Radio 4
Youth and innovation: Leading change in communities
Making Women Workers Count
Business for Social Responsibility (BSR)
17 Companies Join Campaign for SDGs ‘Decade of Delivery’
International Institute for Sustainable Development
2020s declared decade of action on climate, biodiversity and SDGs
Ethical Corporation
“Fixing the Busines of Food – The Food Industry and the SDG Challenge”
Business Wire
Making the rubber hit the road in drive to achieve SDGs by 2030
Ethical Corporation
Stepping up to the Challenge
Invest For Good Blog
Consumer trend towards healthier products: Food and beverage manufacturers should make healthier products more affordable
Financial Express
‘Do we need a Paris Agreement on social issues to get companies to take them seriously?’
Ethical Corporation
Quantifying and Evidencing Impact – Kering, HSBC, World Benchmarking Alliance and More
Agricultural and food system; a change is possible
Article by Lorenzo Santucci
ICC convenes business leaders to take meaningful action at SDG Action Labs
Making ‘impact’ the norm for future investments
The World Benchmarking Alliance, seven transformations for achieving SDGs.
Sustainable Japan
World Benchmarking Alliance announces seven systems transformations for benchmarking companies on the SDGs
Business & Human Rights Resource Center
A New Food System With Scientific Targets [video]
Youtube, EAT Forum
ICC Gears Up for 2019 Climate Summit with SDG Action Labs
Aviva launches ESG pension default strategy
Pensions Age
Europe takes a big step towards companies having ‘duty of care’ on #HumanRights
EU Reporter
Impact investing platform shakeout, cutting food waste, seeding inclusive fintech, blended financing for smallholders, beyond venture capital
Impact Alpha
Open Apparel Registry is a powerful new tool shining a light on the garment industry’
Ethical Corporation
World Ocean Council joins World Benchmarking Alliance
World Ocean Council
Opinion: Time biz showed mettle in caring for human rights
Live mint
Business Accountability: More alignment needed for better nutrition
SUN Business Network
The disruptors: The man holding companies to account on SDGs
Ethical Corporation
25 Food and Agriculture Leaders to Watch in 2019
Setting a new seafood standard
The fish site
134 people dead, but ‘we’re still invested’
Portfolio Adviser