Thank you for your interest in the World Benchmarking Alliance and your openness with regards to how your organisation uses or might use our work. WBA is a non-profit organisation whose purpose is to build accountability for business performance on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Our product is a public good and we do encourage anyone to use it widely. Thus, all our methodologies and benchmarks are free, publicly available on our website, and licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International. To pursue our mission, remain independent, and expand at the scale required to meet the global challenges we face, we mainly rely on funding from governments and foundations.

We also operate what we call the ‘fair-use donation’. We trust any for-profit or not-for-profit entity (regardless of whether or not they are an Ally), that benefits financially from using WBA’s work, to make a fair-use donation. WBA’s work refers to benchmark methodologies, company scorecards, rankings, underlying benchmark data, etc. We welcome donations based on what organisations think we’re worth and on how they use our work. For example, the donation may be for a one-off project, or repeated annually based on the estimated % of the revenue that entities derive from using our work. In light of this, we would kindly ask your organisation to consider making a donation at an appropriate stage if it is finding value in our work. This will really help us to continue developing and promoting best-in-class methodologies and benchmarks.

We will disclose all these donations in our annual reports and whenever WBA  receives a donation, the donor will be provided with a donor receipt.

To that end, if you would kindly consider making a donation, please email the following information to (copying at the time of making it:

  • name of donor
  • address of donor
  • bank account number the donation was wired from
  • description of transfer
  • if possible the wire confirmation.

The donation can be wired as per below instructions:

  • beneficiary name: St. World Benchmarking Alliance Foundation
  • IBAN: NL21 RABO 0326 8976 31 (account no. 0326 8976 31)
  • the description needs to include the word ‘donation’.

Many thanks for your contribution to building this ambitious movement and please do let us know if you have any queries.

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