See total ranking

SAIC Motor Corporation Limited (上海汽车集团股份有限公司|上汽集团)

SAIC Motor Corporation Limited is a majority state-owned (>70 %) and publicly listed Chinese auto manufacturer operating predominately in China. With annual sales of over 6.4 million vehicles, in 2017 it was the biggest auto manufacturer in China based on sales. Its market capitalisation was valued at just over US$45 billion in the same year. SAIC is known for its range of vehicle models including its RX5 SUV, Roewe electric vehicle and formerly British-owned MG.

Ranking position
#24 /25
Total score
7.0 /20
Narrative Score
Trend Score
  • Trend line is up
  • Trend line is equal
  • Trend line is down
Performance module name Performance module score Rank (0-25)


0.0 /3 #18

Material Investment

0.0 /0.4 #17

Intangible Investment

1.2 /2.4 #10

Sold product performance

5.2 /7 #8


0.0 /2.2 #23


0.3 /1.2 #8


0.0 /0.8 #16

Policy Engagement

0.2 /1.2 #18

Business Model

0.1 /1.8 #19
Total score - #24

Leading practices

No leading practices were identified for this company.

Risks and opportunities


A trend score of – is awarded to SAIC. If the company were reassessed in the near term, its score would likely worsen. Its small share of sales from low-carbon vehicles lead to fleet emissions that are significantly misaligned with the low-carbon pathway. The company’s lack of a low-carbon transition plan, or even a low-carbon vehicle strategy, indicates that SAIC is likely to fall further behind as the demand for action increases in the short to medium term. Moreover, the company’s worsening sold product performance will have a significant negative impact on SAIC’s preparedness for a low-carbon economy.

Progress towards the Paris Agreement

See results for

  1. 2020
  2. 2021

More about the company

Shanghai, China
Ownership structure
State-owned/Publicly listed
Group revenue (2017)
US$128.8 billion
Number of vehicles sold (2017)
~6.4 million light duty passenger vehicles
Market capitalisation (2017)
US$45.2 billion