See total ranking

Yokohama Reito (Yokorei)

Yokorei is a Japanese company active in importing, processing and distributing seafood products. It is also involved in refrigerated storage. Most of the company’s seafood activities go through its subsidiary Alliance Seafoods. Yokorei has seafood-related subsidiaries in Japan and Norway as well as stakes in shrimp farming and fishmeal production.

Ranking position
#29 /30
Total score
0.12 /5
Measurement Area Score (0-5) Rank (0-30)

Governance and management of stewardship practices

0.00 /5 #30

Stewardship of the supply chain

0.27 /5 #27


0.00 /5 #30

Human rights and working conditions

0.00 /5 #28

Local communities

0.63 /5 #14
Indicator category Score
Commitment 0.00 /5
Performance 0.19 /5
Transparency 0.07 /5

Leading practices

No leading practices were identified for this company.

Risks and opportunities

See results for

  1. 2021
  2. 2023

More about the company

Yokahama, Japan
Ownership structure
Group revenue (2018)
JPY 171,772,000,000
Seafood revenue (2018)
JPY 110,213,000,000