See total ranking

Cooperatie Coforta

Coöperatie Coforta is a Dutch agricultural cooperative consisting of 500 fruit and vegetable growers. The cooperative supplies its products to supermarkets, caterers and wholesalers through its wholly-owned subsidiary The Greenery, an international sales and marketing organisation for fresh fruit and vegetables. The company also holds a leading retail market position in the Dutch mushroom market, processing over 700 tons of mushrooms every week. The Greenery is among the leading suppliers for hard and soft fruit, open field and greenhouse vegetables in the Netherlands. Through its organic branch Naturelle, the company supplies a year-round range of organic fruits, vegetables and mushrooms.

Ranking position
#226 /350
Total score
11.5 /100
Measurement area Score (0-100) Rank (0-350)

Governance and strategy

#1 0.0 /100 #267


#1 7.0 /100 #248


#1 31.3 /100 #45

Social inclusion

#1 0.0 /100 #300
Indicates the score for the top performing company.
Agricultural products and commodities #91

Segment ranking summary

Coöperatie Coforta is active in the agricultural products and commodities, performing below average compared to its peers in the segment. The company ranks at the bottom of the pack in social inclusion and governance and strategy, demonstrating a lack of commitments on human rights and workers’ rights. The company performs below average in environment, showing an opportunity to improve by setting targets on key topics such as GHG emissions, water use and soil health. In nutrition, the company is among the top 15 companies mostly due to its healthy food portfolio and its strong performance on food safety. However, it fails to define its contributions to support availability, accessibility and affordability of healthy foods, thus lagging behind its peers.

Leading practices

Risks and opportunities

Core social indicators

The core social indicators are part of the social inclusion measurement area. These indicators assess societal expectations of business conduct that companies should meet if they aspire to be part of a system transformation that leaves no one behind.

See results for

  1. 2023

More about the company

Bleiswijk, Netherlands
Food and agriculture revenue USD
Group revenue USD
Onwnership structure
Number of employees

This company is part of the SDG2000, the 2,000 most influential companies

See company profile