See total ranking

Perusahaan Listrik Negara

Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) is a fully state-owned company headquartered in Indonesia. In 2022 its revenue was USD 29.93 billion. PLN generates, transmits and distributes electricity. It also develops electricity infrastructure, such as transmission networks, substations and distribution networks. PLN generates the majority of Indonesia’s electrical power.
Ranking position
#46 /68
Total score
15.3 /100

12.0 /60
Core social indicators
2.0 /20
Just transition
1.3 /20

ACT score components

Performance score
3.4 /20
Narrative Score
Trend Score
  • Trend line is up
  • Trend line is equal
  • Trend line is down
Performance module name Performance module score Rank


#1 16.7 /100 #38

Material investment

#1 25.8 /100 #25

Intangible investment

#1 0.0 /100 #26

Sold products

#1 0.0 /100 #46


#1 39.7 /100 #44

Supplier engagement

#1 0.0 /100 #43

Client engagement

#1 7.5 /100 #46

Policy engagement

#1 28.0 /100 #39

Business model

#1 23.7 /100 #38
Indicates the score for the top performing company.

Act Assessment

Leading Practices

No leading practices were identified for this company.

Risks and Opportunities


PLN receives a trend score of -. If the company were reassessed in the near future, its score would likely decrease. PLN aims to reach net-zero scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by 2060 and has set a target to reduce these emissions by 15.7% by 2030 compared to 2021. PLN aims to achieve 18 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2025, in the lead up to its goal of renewable energy accounting for 69% of its production in 2060. Despite setting these short-term and long-term objectives, PLN lacks interim targets and its renewable energy objective for 2060 lacks details on the scope of what is to be achieved and how.

Progress towards the Paris Agreement

Social assessment

Just transition assessment

Core Social Assessment

See results for

  1. 2020
  2. 2021

More about the company

Jakarta, Indonesia
Group revenue
US$ 29,929 million (FY2022)
Group employees
42,151 (FY2022)
Fully state-owned
Installed capacity
41 GW
Company filing name
PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara

This company is part of the SDG2000, the 2,000 most influential companies

See company profile