See total ranking

Chubu Electric Power

Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. (Chuden) is a publicly listed energy company headquartered in Japan. In 2019, its revenue was US$28.08 billion and installed capacity was 33.49 GW. Chuden has operations in Europe, Mozambique, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Philippines and Singapore. It shows some progress towards a low-carbon transition but needs to go further.

Ranking position
#32 /50
Total score
5.6 /20
Narrative Score
Trend Score
  • Trend line is up
  • Trend line is equal
  • Trend line is down
Performance module name Performance module score Rank (0-50)


1.7 /4 #23

Material Investment

2.9 /7 #19

Intangible Investment

0.0 /2 #19


0.7 /4 #34

Policy Engagement

0.4 /1 #26

Business Model

0.0 /2 #49

Leading practices

Risks and opportunities


Chuden is awarded a trend score of -. If the company were reassessed in the near future, its score would likely worsen.

Chuden has chosen to cover its loss of nuclear generation with coal and gas. This continuing over-reliance on fossil generation and a low level of renewables growth mean that Chuden’s emissions intensity and absolute emissions are likely to remain high for the foreseeable future, resulting in increasing divergence from the company’s well-below 2-degree pathway. Overall, little is being done to change direction, beyond some limited investment in R&D.

Progress towards the Paris Agreement

See results for

  1. 2021
  2. 2023

More about the company

Nagoya, Japan
Ownership structure
Publicly listed
Group revenue
US$28.08 billion (2019)
Installed capacity
33.49 GW (2019)