See total ranking

Honda Motor Company

Honda Motor Company is a major Japanese auto manufacturer operating globally with sales of over 5 million vehicles in 2017. Its market capitalisation was valued at more than US$48 billion in the same year. Honda is well known for its diverse range of vehicle models, including the Civic, CR-V, Jazz and Accord.

Ranking position
#10 /25
Total score
10.2 /20
Narrative Score
Trend Score
  • Trend line is up
  • Trend line is equal
  • Trend line is down
Performance module name Performance module score Rank (0-25)


1.4 /3 #7

Material Investment

0.3 /0.4 #10

Intangible Investment

1.2 /2.4 #10

Sold product performance

3.9 /7 #16


1.2 /2.2 #5


0.3 /1.2 #8


0.7 /0.8 #4

Policy Engagement

0.5 /1.2 #10

Business Model

0.6 /1.8 #9
Total score - #10

Leading practices

Risks and opportunities


Honda is awarded a trend score of –. If Honda were reassessed in the near term, then its score would most likely not improve. Honda was an early adopter of hybrid technologies, and the company’s steady progress on improving the fuel efficiency of its internal combustion engines is likely to continue. However, if its share of sales from low-carbon vehicles does not increase, Honda risks falling behind the fast pace of reductions required under the automotive industry’s low-carbon pathway. Fortunately, Honda already has multiple technology-related business solutions beyond passenger vehicle manufacturing that help ensure the company will remain profitable in a low-carbon economy.

Progress towards the Paris Agreement

See results for

  1. 2020
  2. 2021

More about the company

Tokyo, Japan
Group revenue (2017)
US$138.6 billion
Market capitalisation (2017)
US$48.7 billion
Number of vehicles sold (2017)
~5.3 million light duty passenger vehicles
Ownership structure
Publicly listed