Our Corporate Human Rights Benchmark Core UNGP Indicators enable parties to obtain a snapshot of a company’s approach to human rights management. Unlike our full Corporate Human Rights Benchmark Methodology, which is in-depth and time-consuming to apply, this subset methodology helps governments and organisations to get an overview assessment of whether companies in their region are implementing key expectations of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.


The Core UNGP Indicators

The CHRB Core UNGP Indicators can be applied to businesses of any size, sector or geography and are available in multiple languages.

See Indicators

Why assess companies on human rights?

What do we mean when we talk about corporate respect for human rights? Read our paper to learn why we assess companies on their human rights performances and how we’ve seen it drive change.

See paper

Case studies

See how several governments, academic institutions and civil society organisations from various countries have used our Core UNGP Indicators to obtain snapshots of companies’ performances on human rights.

See case studies

Lessons learned

Hear from organisations who conducted company snapshots in Belgium, Denmark, Finland and Ireland. Read about their reflections on the value of these assessments.

Read article

Get in touch

Interested in using our free and publicly available Core UNGP Indicators? Get in touch.

Talya Swissa

Engagement Manager

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