Corporate Human Rights Benchmark – Core UNGP Indicators
The Corporate Human Rights Benchmark’s Core UNGP Indicators are a stand-alone methodology for obtaining an overview of whether companies are implementing key expectations of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs).
The methodology consists of 13 indicators which are a subset of our full 2021 Corporate Human Rights Benchmark Methodology which is made up of approximately 60 indicators across five different themes. The Core UNGP Indicators are non-industry specific and deal with three key areas of the UNGPs; high-level commitments, human rights due diligence and access to remedy.
This is an updated methodology; the previous version was published in April 2019.
Corporate Human Rights Benchmark – Core UNGP Indicators (English)
Download methodologyCorporate Human Rights Benchmark – Core UNGP Indicators (Spanish)
This translation is kindly provided by non-profit organisation Ecología y Desarrollo (ECODES).
Download methodologyCorporate Human Rights Benchmark – Core UNGP Indicators (Korean)
This translation is kindly provided by the Asia Business and Human Rights Center (ABHRC).
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