Country snapshots: third party research using our Corporate Human Rights Benchmark Methodology

Learn how our Corporate Human Rights Benchmark Methodology is being used by various stakeholders in several countries to get a ‘snapshot’ overview of companies’ performances on human rights.

Given that our mission is to help incentivise the private sector to align its business with societal interests, just like our benchmark results and data, the methodologies that the World Benchmarking Alliance uses to assess companies are also publicly available and free. This means that stakeholders such as governments, academic institutions and civil society organisations can use our methodologies to assess companies beyond our scope; far beyond the 2,000 companies we have set out to assess in our annual or biannual benchmark iterations. Acting together helps to achieve an impact far greater than what we could on our own.

Our human rights benchmark

The Corporate Human Rights Benchmark (CHRB) is a great example of how our methodologies are already being used by others. Founded in 2013, the CHRB assesses companies on their human rights performance. The organisation became a part of the World Benchmarking Alliance in 2019, and is our longest standing benchmark.

In 2018, the CHRB developed a subset of the full Corporate Human Rights Benchmark methodology, known as the ‘CHRB Core UNGP Indicator Assessment’. Unlike the full CHRB methodology, which is in-depth and time-consuming to apply, the Core UNGP indicators allow parties to take a quick ‘snapshot’ of a company’s approach to human rights management, and whether they are implementing key expectations of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) – making a policy commitment to respect human rights, conducting human rights due diligence, and enabling access to remedy.


Case studies

See how various stakeholders have used our UNGP Core Indicators to assess companies in their region on thier human rights performances.

Use our social methodologies to assess companies in your region

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