Ecosystem conversion and restoration
While the company has a target to achieve conversion-free supply chains, it does not cover all high-risk commodities. The company discloses some evidence of addressing conversion, however, this does not guarantee DCF-aligned practices.
Finally, the company is not committed to restoring ecosystems.
GHG emissions
Crucially, the company needs to reduce its scope 1,2 and 3 emissions and report progress against its targets.
Impact and dependencies assessment
While the company recognizes the importance of forests for biodiversity and has implemented a reseeding project to combat climate change, it has an opportunity to assess its impacts on nature, including biodiversity, within its own operations and disclose the methodology and results. The company also has the opportunity to evaluate its impacts on nature and dependencies on nature within its supply chain and upstream business relationships.
Invasive species
The company has not identified any activities that could lead to the introduction of invasive alien species in its own operations.
Key areas and species
While the company highlights its contribution to habitats for diverse birds and grassland species, it still has an opportunity to disclose the specific species adjacent to its operations. Additionally, the company can enhance transparency by revealing locations in proximity to biodiversity hotspots, both for its operations and suppliers, and by detailing species’ conservation status as per national and global benchmarks.
Resource exploitation and circularity performance
No evidence was found regarding the company’s efforts to work towards a circular economy or which organisms it exploits. The company has an opportunity to develop a strategy and publicly report on specific, time-bound targets.
Solid and air pollution
The company should work on reducing the production of hazardous waste. It has an opportunity to report on air quality parameters of emissions of harmful air pollutants and disclose time-bound targets to reduce air pollutants across the most material parts of its value chain. While the company describes its activities to reduce plastic use and transition towards sustainable packaging, it has an opportunity to disclose the associated quantitative data, including the amount of plastic waste generated and proportions directed from or to disposal.
The company does not disclose relevant information related to water, in its operations or supply chains.