Ecosystem conversion and restoration
The company does not disclose a commitment to minimise ecosystem conversion or to ensure zero conversion, nor does it have time-bound targets to achieve conversion-free supply chains. Additionally, the company does not disclose activities to minimise ecosystem conversion, or to achieve conversion-free supply chains.
GHG emissions
While the company discloses that it commits to establish internal goals to help the ambition of limiting global warming for its scope 3 emissions, it should set a time-bound target to reduce its scope 3 emissions and report against it. Furthermore, its targets need to align with a 1.5-degree trajectory.
Impact and dependencies assessment
While the company has conducted independent environmental impact and biodiversity studies, and even launched mitigation projects in response to identified risks, it has an opportunity to assess its impacts on nature and biodiversity comprehensively across all its operations, disclosing the methodology and results. Similarly, although the company does outline the impacts on nature in its subsidiaries, it could extend this to all upstream activities in its value chain. While the company acknowledges its dependency on ecosystem services and has summarised these in its subsidiaries, there remains an opportunity to assess these dependencies within its own operations and across its upstream business relationships, complete with full disclosure of methodology and results.
Invasive species
The company has not identified any activities that could lead to the introduction of invasive alien species in its own operations.
Key areas and species
While the company has disclosed the count of species in proximity to its operations and references the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List, there’s room for a deeper commitment to transparency. The company can enhance its disclosure by providing detailed information on the species near its sites. Additionally, revealing species populations adjacent to supplier locations and elaborating on the names and conservation status of species, aligning with both national and international lists, would further solidify its commitment to biodiversity conservation.
Resource exploitation and circularity performance
The company has an opportunity to disclose a full list of its inputs according to an international standard and to report quantitatively on its group-wide circularity performance.
Solid and air pollution
The company should commit to avoid developing or marketing new chemicals or products with SVHC (substance of very high concern) properties, as well as work on reducing the production of hazardous substances. It has an opportunity to report on air quality parameters of emissions of harmful air pollutants and disclose time-bound targets to reduce air pollutants across the most material parts of its value chain. The company could also report on the amount of plastic waste generated and proportions directed from or to disposal.
The company has an opportunity to further improve water withdrawal by setting a time-bound target and engaging with suppliers. It has an opportunity to improve on its disclosure on water pollution by setting disclosing water pollutant metrics and setting time-bound targets to reduce them. Also, the company does not disclose relevant information on rights to water in its operations or supply chains.