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Yum! Brands

Yum! Brands owns over 50,000 restaurants in 150 countries around the world, operating global brands like KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell as well as other fast-casual restaurant chains. The company was spun off from PepsiCo in 1997, and in 2016 itself demerged from its China operations to form two separate companies: Yum! Brands and Yum China. On average, Yum! Brands opens nine new restaurants every day and is owned by over 2,000 franchisees around the world.

Ranking position
#103 /350
Total score
27.4 /100
Measurement area Score (0-100) Rank (0-350)

Governance and strategy

#1 58.0 /100 #56


#1 31.3 /100 #98


#1 21.0 /100 #82

Social inclusion

#1 19.7 /100 #151
Indicates the score for the top performing company.
Restaurants and food service #7

Segment ranking summary

Yum! Brands ranks ahead of most of its peers in the food service segment. However, the overall performance of this segment is below average compared to other segments in the benchmark. The company outperforms most of its peers by having comprehensive stakeholder engagement practices, achieving the highest score in its segment. The company also scores highest in its segment on availability of healthy foods, although this indicator only achieves average scoring in this segment. Furthermore, while Yum! Brands’ performance in the social inclusion dimension is average compared to its peers, the segment as a whole has low scores across all social indicators, notably on commitments regarding child and forced labour and paying a living wage, where Yum! Brands scores the lowest.

Leading practices

Risks and opportunities

Core social indicators

The core social indicators are part of the social inclusion measurement area. These indicators assess societal expectations of business conduct that companies should meet if they aspire to be part of a system transformation that leaves no one behind.

See results for

  1. 2023

More about the company

Louisville, Kentucky, United States of America
Food and agriculture revenue USD
Group revenue USD
Onwnership structure
Publicly listed
Number of employees

This company is part of the SDG2000, the 2,000 most influential companies

See company profile