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Ezaki Glico

Ezaki Glico is a diversified food business, with activities across confectionary and processed foods, ice cream, dairy, food materials and beverages, among others. The company has a leading domestic market position in Japan, as well as exporting products across Asia, North America and to France. Ezaki Glico was founded in 1922 in Osaka and today operates 17 domestic manufacturing facilities alongside locations in China, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore and others, as well as having affiliate relationships with 20 domestic and 16 international companies.

Ranking position
#215 /350
Total score
13.7 /100
Measurement area Score (0-100) Rank (0-350)

Governance and strategy

#1 33.0 /100 #150


#1 9.0 /100 #244


#1 12.7 /100 #131

Social inclusion

#1 13.0 /100 #209
Indicates the score for the top performing company.
Agricultural products and commodities #86
Food and beverage manufacturers/processors #145

Segment ranking summary

Ezaki Glico ranks 86th in the agricultural products and commodities segment and 145th among food and beverage processors. Ezaki Glico is in the lower grouping in both segments, suggesting there is room for improvement across the board. In environment, Ezaki Glico could improve its ranking by disclosing quantitative information and time bound targets on key topics, such as water use and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, approaches its peers have already started doing. Moreover, the company discloses little in social inclusion, with a lack of disclosure on its monitoring systems on key topics such as health and safety or child and forced labour, areas higher ranking peers already disclose on. Nonetheless, the company performs relatively better in governance and strategy, with some disclosure on its sustainability strategy and governance framework, highlighting there is an opportunity for the company to translate its overall sustainability strategy into practice across the three measurement areas.

Leading practices

Risks and opportunities

Core social indicators

The core social indicators are part of the social inclusion measurement area. These indicators assess societal expectations of business conduct that companies should meet if they aspire to be part of a system transformation that leaves no one behind.

See results for

  1. 2023

More about the company

Osaka, Japan
Food and agriculture revenue USD
Group revenue USD
Onwnership structure
Publicly listed
Number of employees

This company is part of the SDG2000, the 2,000 most influential companies

See company profile