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Compass Group

Compass Group is a multinational contract food service company with activities in 50 different countries and serving 5.5 billion meals each year. It operates in five distinct sectors: business and industry, healthcare, education, sports and leisure, and defence. Most of its revenue comes from North America, followed by Europe. It also manages an International Clients' Programme that offers customers a centralised management approach. The group was founded in 1941 as Factory Canteens.

Ranking position
#77 /350
Total score
31.5 /100
Measurement area Score (0-100) Rank (0-350)

Governance and strategy

#1 75.0 /100 #15


#1 25.0 /100 #131


#1 21.0 /100 #82

Social inclusion

#1 34.0 /100 #60
Indicates the score for the top performing company.
Restaurants and food service #3

Segment ranking summary

Compass Group ranks 3rd in the restaurants and food service segment, demonstrating leadership in this group. The company leads most of its peers in the governance and strategy and nutrition measurement areas, but achieves an average score when it comes to environment and social inclusion. In the governance and strategy measurement area, it is one of few companies demonstrating how and with which stakeholders it engages, while in nutrition, it is working towards making healthier foods available. The company has an opportunity to catch up to its peers by committing to environmental topics, such as setting a scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions target, and providing quantitative evidence of reducing plastic use. Like all of its peers, it can also improve in social inclusion by paying its workers a living wage.

Leading practices

Risks and opportunities

Core social indicators

The core social indicators are part of the social inclusion measurement area. These indicators assess societal expectations of business conduct that companies should meet if they aspire to be part of a system transformation that leaves no one behind.

See results for

  1. 2023

More about the company

Chertsey, United Kingdom
Food and agriculture revenue USD
Group revenue USD
Onwnership structure
Publicly listed
Number of employees

This company is part of the SDG2000, the 2,000 most influential companies

See company profile