See total ranking


KeyCorp, organized in 1958 under the laws of the State of Ohio, is headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio. KeyCorp is the parent holding company for KeyBank National Association, its principal subsidiary, through which most of our banking services are provided. Through KeyBank and certain other subsidiaries, it provides a wide range of retail and commercial banking, commercial leasing, investment management, consumer finance, student loan refinancing, commercial mortgage servicing and special servicing, and investment banking products and services to individual, corporate, and institutional clients through two major business segments: Consumer Bank and Commercial Bank. In 2021, these services were provided across the United States through KeyBank’s 1,073 full-service retail banking branches and a network of 1,386 ATMs in 15 states.

Ranking position
#218 /395
Total score
9.6 /100
Banks #108
Measurement area Score Rank (0-395)

Governance and strategy

5.2 /40 #191

Respecting planetary boundaries

0.8 /30 #232

Adhering to societal conventions

3.5 /30 #201

Leading practices

Risks and opportunities

See results for

  1. 2025

More about the company

United States of America
Results 2021
Revenue: USD 7.3 billion; Total assets: USD 186 billion
Ownership structure
Number of employees

This financial institution is part of the SDG2000, the 2,000 most influential companies

See company profile