See total ranking

Fidelity International

Fidelity International is a privately owned global investment and retirement savings business with operations in 25 countries and serving more than 2.4 million customers around the world. Established in 1969 as the international arm of Fidelity Investments in the US, Fidelity became an independent organisation in 1980. Its clients range from central banks, sovereign wealth funds, large corporates, financial institutions, insurers and wealth managers to private individuals.

Ranking position
#28 /395
Total score
31.5 /100
Asset managers #5
Measurement area Score Rank (0-395)

Governance and strategy

14.8 /40 #31

Respecting planetary boundaries

12.8 /30 #17

Adhering to societal conventions

4.0 /30 #177

Leading practices

Risks and opportunities

See results for

  1. 2025

More about the company

United Kingdom
Results 2021
Revenue: USD 2.87 billion; AUM: USD 655.2 billion
Ownership structure
Number of employees

This financial institution is part of the SDG2000, the 2,000 most influential companies

See company profile