See total ranking

Siemens Gamesa

Siemens Gamesa (SGRE) is a publicly listed company headquartered in Spain and registered in 2017, with Siemens Energy AG having a majority shareholding (67%). In 2022 its revenue was USD 10.33 billion. The company is an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) specialised in onshore and offshore wind power solutions and providing services for management, monitoring and maintenance of wind power plants.

Ranking position
#2 /11
Total score
58.6 /100

47.1 /60
Core social indicators
9.0 /20
Just transition
2.5 /20

ACT score components

Performance score
11.0 /20
Narrative Score
Trend Score
  • Trend line is up
  • Trend line is equal
  • Trend line is down
Performance module name Performance module score Rank


#1 9.1 /100 #10

Material investment

#1 100.0 /100 #1

Intangible investment

#1 50.0 /100 #1

Sold products

#1 35.0 /100 #4


#1 69.4 /100 #3

Supplier engagement

#1 76.3 /100 #2

Client engagement

#1 68.8 /100 #6

Policy engagement

#1 83.0 /100 #1

Business model

#1 96.3 /100 #1
Indicates the score for the top performing company.

ACT assessment

Leading practices

Risks and opportunities


SGRE receives a trend score of +. If the company were reassessed in the near future, its score would likely increase. SGRE’s direct emissions have reduced in line with its SBTi-validated targets by 2040. Moreover, the company has set up measures to support its targets of net-zero emissions by 2040 through active engagement with its supply chain.

Progress towards the Paris Agreement

Social assessment

Just transition assessment

Core Social Assessment

More about the company

Zamudio, Spain
Group revenue
US$ 10,331 millions (FY2022)
Group employees
23,077 (FY2022)
Publicly listed
Installed capacity
Not Applicable
Company filing name
Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, S.A

This company is part of the SDG2000, the 2,000 most influential companies

See company profile