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Nordstrom is a luxury department store chain headquartered in Seattle, United States. It was founded in 1901 by John W. Nordstrom, a Swedish immigrant. Nordstrom employs approximately 60,000 people across 468 locations in the United States and Canada. In 2022, its revenue was around USD 15 billion.

Ranking position
#84 /110
Total score
8.1 /100
Measurement theme Score Rank (0-110)

Governance and policy commitments

#1 1.9 /10 #60

Embedding respect and human rights due diligence

#1 0.7 /25 #84

Remedies and grievance mechanisms

#1 2.5 /20 #81

Performance: Practices

#1 1.4 /25 #83

Performance: Responses

#1 1.6 /20 #78
Indicates the score for the top performing company.
Apparel #43

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  1. 2020

This company is part of the SDG2000, the 2,000 most influential companies

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