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Module 9, “Business model”, assesses the companies’ dependency on emission-intensive revenue streams and steps being taken to transition and/or replace its existing business model(s) to remain profitable in a low-carbon economy. The company’s future business model(s) should enable it to decouple financial results from GHG emissions, in order to meet the constraints of a low-carbon transition while continuing to generate value. This can be done by developing new, low-carbon business models outside the core business of the company, while decarbonising or terminating existing, high-carbon business models. This should lead to the company’s revenue being generated entirely from low-carbon products and services, according to the ACT definition of “low carbon” for a particular sector.

This module aims to identify both: 

  • the “big picture” view of the company’s low-carbon transition, by assessing its overall share of revenue from low-carbon products and services and the trend in share over time; 
  • the detail of the specific changes it is making to its business: introducing/expanding new, low-carbon business models; and decarbonizing/terminating its existing, high-carbon business models. 

Ranking overview

Ranking table

Business model out of 100
Total score 97.0 /100
Total score 50.9 /100
Total score 47.0 /100
Total score 41.3 /100
Total score 36.8 /100
Total score 36.3 /100
Total score 32.5 /100
Total score 32.3 /100
Total score 31.3 /100
Total score 30.8 /100
Total score 30.8 /100
Total score 22.5 /100
Total score 21.3 /100
Total score 20.5 /100
Total score 20.0 /100
Total score 19.4 /100
Total score 18.8 /100
Total score 17.5 /100
Total score 14.4 /100
Total score 13.8 /100
Total score 13.8 /100
Total score 13.8 /100
Total score 12.5 /100
Total score 12.5 /100
Total score 12.5 /100
Total score 12.0 /100
Total score 11.9 /100
Total score 8.8 /100
Total score 6.3 /100
Total score 0.0 /100