See total ranking

Seed Co

Seed Co Ltd (Seed Co) was founded in 1940 as the Seed Maize Association (SMA) of Zimbabwe. In 1983, SMA merged with Crop Seeds Association to form Seed Co and has since grown to have a presence throughout Africa. Headquartered in South Africa, the company breeds, produces and markets field crops. In 2020, Seed Co West and Central Africa was established, which is held equally by Limagrain (through its holding Vilmorin & Cie) and Seed Co. Seed Co has extensive operations in Eastern and Southern Africa and Western and Central Africa. Smallholder farmers are the company’s main clientele.

Ranking position
#6 /32
Total score
47.8 /100
Measurement area Score Rank (0-32)

Governance and strategy

#1 3.3 /10 #8

Genetic resources and intellectual property management

#1 5.6 /15 #8

Research and development

#1 13.3 /20 #3

Seed production

#1 9.4 /15 #2

Marketing and sales

#1 9.4 /25 #10

Capacity building

#1 6.8 /15 #9
Indicates the score for the top performing company.

Leading practices

Risks and opportunities

Index crops in portfolio

See results for

  1. 2016
  2. 2019

More about the company

Johannesburg, South Africa
Ownership structure
Group revenue USD
Seed revenue USD


  • Title: Seed Co (Western and Central Africa)
    Place: Ghana
    Description: Seed production location
  • Title: Seed Co (Western and Central Africa)
    Place: Nigeria
    Description: Seed production location
  • Title: Seed Co (Western and Central Africa)
    Place: Ghana
    Description: Breeding station
  • Title: Seed Co (Western and Central Africa)
    Place: Nigeria
    Description: Breeding station
  • Title: Seed Co (Eastern and Southern Africa)
    Place: Ethiopia
    Description: Seed production location
  • Title: Seed Co (Eastern and Southern Africa)
    Place: Kenya
    Description: Seed production location
  • Title: Seed Co (Eastern and Southern Africa)
    Place: Malawi
    Description: Seed production location
  • Title: Seed Co (Eastern and Southern Africa)
    Place: Mozambique
    Description: Seed production location
  • Title: Seed Co (Eastern and Southern Africa)
    Place: Rwanda
    Description: Seed production location
  • Title: Seed Co (Eastern and Southern Africa)
    Place: South Africa
    Description: Seed production location
  • Title: Seed Co (Eastern and Southern Africa)
    Place: Tanzania
    Description: Seed production location
  • Title: Seed Co (Eastern and Southern Africa)
    Place: Zambia
    Description: Seed production location
  • Title: Seed Co (Eastern and Southern Africa)
    Place: Zimbabwe
    Description: Seed production location
  • Title: Seed Co (Eastern and Southern Africa)
    Place: South Africa
    Description: Breeding station
  • Title: Seed Co (Eastern and Southern Africa)
    Place: Zambia
    Description: Breeding station
  • Title: Seed Co (Eastern and Southern Africa)
    Place: Zimbabwe
    Description: Breeding station