See total ranking

Namdhari Seeds

Namdhari Seeds was established in 1985 as a contract seed production enterprise. The company began commercialising tomato, watermelon, melon and chili hybrids in 1992, and hybrids have since become a mainstay of its product portfolio. In 2008, the company started to expand its breeding and marketing efforts beyond India, predominantly in South and South-East Asia but also focusing on the Middle East, the Mediterranean, and Eastern and Southern Africa. The company’s main crops in South and South-East Asia are tomato, watermelon and okra.

Ranking position
#10 /31
Total score
45.8 /100
Measurement area Score Rank (0-31)

Governance and strategy

#1 0.8 /10 #14

Genetic resources and intellectual property management

#1 3.8 /15 #14

Research and development

#1 14.2 /20 #7

Seed production

#1 9.4 /15 #6

Marketing and sales

#1 11.7 /25 #13

Capacity building

#1 6.0 /15 #12
Indicates the score for the top performing company.

Leading practices

Risks and opportunities

Index crops in portfolio

See results for

  1. 2016
  2. 2019

More about the company

Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Ownership structure
Group revenue USD
Seed revenue USD


  • Title: Namdhari Seeds
    Place: India
    Description: Seed production location
  • Title: Namdhari Seeds
    Place: Indonesia
    Description: Seed production location
  • Title: Namdhari Seeds
    Place: Thailand
    Description: Seed production location
  • Title: Namdhari Seeds
    Place: India
    Description: Breeding station