
Side event at Urban Future Stuttgart 23: ‘Spurring the private sector to create resilient and sustainable cities’

When: Tuesday 20 June 2023, 15:00–17:00 Central European Time
Location: STEYG EventSpace Stuttgart – Lautenschlagerstr. 16, 70173 Stuttgart
Cost: Free, including beverages and afternoon snacks

Register to attend

Are you attending this year’s Urban Future 23 conference in Stuttgart, Germany? Join us the day before to learn about our draft methodology for the Urban Benchmark and share your expert feedback!

The World Benchmarking Alliance is developing an Urban Benchmark that will translate the Sustainable Development Goal 11 and the New Urban Agenda into a free and publicly available roadmap for the private sector. It will outline the clear commitments and actions that companies must make and take to help create cities that are inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

During the session we’ll share more about the benchmark and our draft methodology before breaking into smaller groups to get your input/feedback.

More information about the Urban Benchmark

The World Benchmarking Alliance’s Urban Benchmark will assess 400 of the world’s largest and most influential companies from the following industries, so that their progress can be tracked and innovative intiatives can be shared:

  • real estate developers and managers
  • engineering and construction
  • passenger transport and consumer logistics
  • power, water, and waste management utilities.

These companies will be assessed on five measurement areas:

  • governance and strategy
  • inclusiveness
  • safety and resilience
  • environmental sustainability
  • vibrancy and compactness.

Read the draft methodology

Register to attend the side event

Got a question?

Send it to Mariana Garcia Espindola at m.garcia@worldbenchmarkingalliance.org

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