Wim Leereveld is the Founder of the Access to Medicine Foundation he established in 2003 with the aim of encouraging the pharmaceutical industry to do more for the two billion people who still lack access to medicine. In 2008, this resulted in the publication of the first Access to Medicine Index.

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Wim Leereveld Founder, Access to Medicine Foundation
Before the Foundation, Wim was co-founder of PMSI and Walsh International, leading providers of information services to the healthcare industry. Both Walsh and PMSI later went on to become listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange. It was while working so closely with some of the most powerful names in the industry that Wim was inspired by a single idea: how can we encourage the industry – which has such potential for changing the world – to do more to help develop our world for all people living on our planet.  

During his 12 years leading the Foundation, Wim oversaw the growth of his idea into a widely respected tool for stimulating companies to take action on international development. 

Wim also started the Access to Seeds Index and the Responsible Mining Index, and was involved in creating the World Benchmarking Alliance  

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