Lysa has a background in human rights, international development and social justice, with over 25 years of experience working for grassroots, national, and global networks. She has designed and coordinated programmes, campaigns and advocacy initiatives aimed at empowering communities, holding governments accountable and advancing sustainable development.

In her most recent role as Secretary General of CIVICUS, she has led a global alliance of civil society organisations and activists working to strengthen citizen participation and defend civic freedoms. Other professional highlights include working with urban poor movements in India, leading transnational campaigns for the Millennium Development Goals, serving as the Head of Outreach for the UN panel that drafted the Sustainable Development Goals and working as the Global Campaigns Director at Save the Children.

She contributes to the work of several remarkable networks as a Board member. This includes the International Budget Partnership, the Global Partnership for Sustainable Data Development and the World Benchmarking Alliance.

Lysa stays grounded through a daily practice of yoga, meditation and gratitude. She loves reading, being outdoors and celebrating the people who make her deeply happy – her family across India and South Africa and her worldwide network of friends and fellow activists.

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