
Transforming food systems with small-scale producers

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WBA’s data shows that 96 of the 350 companies assessed by the Food and Agriculture Benchmark, which have a total revenue of more than USD 3 trillion, have activities and/or commitments involving 75 million small-scale producers (farmers and fishers) in their supply chain.

To ensure supply chain security, it is necessary for farming and fishing to be economically viable so that farmers and fishers continue to produce quality products that meet company specifications and consumer preferences. However, 64% of companies do not disclose activities to assess and support farmers’ or fishers’ living income, indicating a need for more corporate action and accountability towards small-scale producers.

This Insights Report shows the existing link between small-scale farmers and fishers and the 350 companies assessed in the Food and Agriculture Benchmark. It also highlights the obstacles small-scale producers face in accessing global commodity markets. These include geographical isolation, weak infrastructure and information gaps, as most small-scale producers are based in least-developed countries.

Lastly, the report spotlights feedback from stakeholder consultations on WBA’s plans to spotlight small-scale producers.

WBA has an opportunity to bolster this support by providing stakeholders with data for evidence-based decision-making by incorporating small-scale producers in our methodologies and engagement initiatives such as the WBA Alliance, events, Collective Impact Coalitions and the Consultancy Café.

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