Third roundtable Gender Equality & Women’s Empowerment Benchmark and its key takeaways
In 2020, we will rank the 36 most influential global apparel companies in our Gender Equality & Women’s Empowerment Benchmark (GEWEB). During the development of the methodology for this benchmark, we held a third roundtable on 9 December 2019 in Bangalore, India. This roundtable brought together 16 participants from across 12 leading global apparel companies to present our draft methodology and offer company stakeholders the opportunity to provide feedback as well as share insights and expectations for the further development of GEWEB.
Read the key takeaways in the summery report by clicking here
The feedback received during this roundtable will be considered together with the feedback collected from a broad set of stakeholders, i.e. civil societies, multi-/bi-lateral organisations, financial and research institutions et cetera. We received their feedback during the public consultation phase of our work and during extensive desk research and interviews with gender experts held over the past year and a half.
All input will be reflected in the final methodology, to be agreed on by a multi-stakeholder Expert Review Committee and published in March 2020.