Scoring guidelines for the 2024 Urban Benchmark

All companies assessed in the 2024 Urban Benchmark are evaluated based on 24 indicators across four Urban Benchmark measurement areas and 18 core social indicators (CSIs). Each measurement area and the CSIs contribute 20% to the total score. The four measurement areas each consist of six indicators, which include 4 to 6 elements each. All indicators within a measurement area are weighted equally, accounting for 16.67% of the measurement area score, while the elements within each indicator carry the same weight, contributing either 1/4, 1/5, or 1/6 of the indicator’s score, depending on the number of elements.
Elements are assessed as either fully met or unmet, with no partial credit awarded; however, if a company partially meets an element’s criteria, relevant evidence is documented in the scorecard. Each element is evaluated independently, ensuring compliance with one element is not a prerequisite for another, thus preventing double penalties for the same issue.
In addition, CSIs account for 20% of the total score and consist of 18 indicators in total. Of these, 16 CSIs contribute 1% each to the overall score, while CSIs 4 and 5 are double-weighted, each contributing 2% to the total score.
It is important to note that a company’s score reflects evidence available in English and published before the cut-off date of December 31, 2023. This score may not accurately represent the company’s level of transparency, particularly if the company reports in languages other than English, nor does it encompass its overall performance beyond what is disclosed by the company regarding that performance.
For further details on scoring and its applicability, please refer to the Public Scoring Guidelines.