The Methodology for the 2021 Just Transition Assessment
In light of the crucial role the private sector has to play in achieving a low-carbon world, WBA intends to assess 450 keystone high emitting companies by 2023 on their contribution to a just transition by assessing their alignment with the goals of the Paris Agreement alongside their approach to addressing the social challenges of a low-carbon transition. More about our Just Transition work here
In this methodology, we present the just transition indicators we will use to assess companies in 2021 and the multistakeholder feedback that has shaped them. We will assess 180 of the companies in scope of our decarbonisation and energy system transformation: 100 oil and gas companies, 50 electric utilities and 30 automotive manufacturers. In this methodology we also set our aims and expectations for the just transition assessments in 2021 and beyond.
The WBA just transition assessments will be the first of their kind; publicly available and free rankings of and insights into the contributions of globally influential companies in high-emitting sectors to a just transition and their alignment to a low-carbon pathway. These assessments can become a unique and critical accountability mechanism of a decarbonisation and energy transformation that leaves no one behind.
Advisory Group
Our just transition work is developed in close collaboration with an advisory group, whose members support the team with their expertise and experience.