Final consultation publication
From New York to Nairobi, from Buenos Aires to Jakarta, either online or in-person, the past 12 months were all about listening and learning from partners, Allies and individuals. How can SDG benchmarks be impactful? What do we need to grow an Alliance? And how would you change the world? Read our final publication to find out what we have learned, what insights people gave us and how we experienced our consultation phase.
Read report“An ambition infinitely bigger than the realm of any single institution”
– Gerbrand Haverkamp on the power of the Alliance.
“Channelling competitive spirits for positive impact”
– Mwansa Phiri interviews Wim Leereveld, founder of the Access to Medicine Index
“Working together to build the bridge as we walk over it”
– Gonnie Been on the power of trust in the WBA.
“Exploring the connection between SDGs and industries for a better world”
– Analysis of our online consultations shows linkages between how individuals experience challenges within their communities and the role they feel certain industries play in impacting change.
“Transformative change requires transformative approaches to problem-solving”
– UN Foundation’s Kaysie Brown on the WBA and the SDGs.
“The WBA helps to drive forward capital market reform”
– Aviva’s Pauliina Murphy on how the WBA can help to redirect money to where it’s needed most.
“The five reasons benchmarks work”
– Mwansa Phiri examines the learnings the WBA can draw from already established benchmarks.
“It’s time to re-shape how money impacts tomorrow”
– Aviva’s Steve Waygood on the role of benchmark’s in shaping new means for sustainable finance.