Turk Hava Yollari (Turkish Airlines)
Turk Hava Yollari (Turkish Airlines) is a publicly listed company headquartered in Turkey. In 2021 its revenue was USD 10.69 billion. Turkish Airlines is an international passenger and air cargo transport company and flies to 128 countries. The company currently has 389 aircraft with an average fleet age of 8.6 years but aims to have the youngest fleet in the European Union.
- Ranking position
- #52 /90
- Total score
- 17.0 /100
- 9.4 /60
- Core social indicators
- 7.0 /20
- Just transition
- 0.6 /20
- Performance score
- 1.6 /20
- Narrative Score
- Trend Score
- Trend line is up
- Trend line is equal
- Trend line is down
ACT score components
ACT assessment
Leading practices
No leading practices were identified for this company.
Risks and opportunities
Turkish Airlines receives a trend score of -. If the company were reassessed in the near future, its score would likely decrease. Based on its current fleet, Turkish Airlines is projected to greatly exceed its carbon budget between 2021-2035. The company is committed to fleet modernisation and offsetting emissions. However, reducing emissions related to its operations and investing in low-carbon vehicles should remain the company’s priority. Furthermore, the company should disclose the proportion of each target that will be met through direct action rather than offsets.
Progress towards the Paris Agreement
Social assessment
Core social assessment
More about the company
- Headquarters
- Istanbul, Turkey
- Revenue
- USD 10.69 billion
- Ownership
- Publicly listed
- Employees
- 60,000
- Website
- https://www.turkishairlines.com/tr-tr/basin-odasi/hakkimizda/