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Thai Union Group

Assessed in 2023

Founded in 1977, Thai Union Group (Thai Union) is a seafood processor and manufacturer. The company initially focused on the production of canned tuna. In 1994, it went public and has since expanded its operations, becoming one of the largest global producers of processed tuna, shrimp and salmon. Thai Union does not own fishing vessels or aquaculture facilities but is active on four continents through its large subsidiary network and 12 production facilities. The company has a broad portfolio of shelf-stable, chilled and frozen food brands, including Chicken of the Sea, John West, Petit Navire and Mareblu.

Total score
13.0 /20
Measurement theme Score

Respect human rights

9.5 /10

Provide and promote decent work

1.5 /6

Act ethically

2.0 /4

More about the company


This company is part of the SDG2000, the 2,000 most influential companies globally

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