See total ranking


Assessed in 2022

Roche is a Swiss multinational healthcare company founded in 1896 in Basel, Switzerland. It has two business divisions: Roche Pharmaceuticals and Roche Diagnostics. Roche Pharmaceuticals is focused on conducting research at Roche, Genentech, in the US Chugai in Japan and has over 250 partners worldwide with global scale and reach in clinical development, manufacturing and commercial operations. Roche Diagnostics core business is the discovery, development, and manufacturing of in vitro tests for the diagnosis of various diseases that include cancer, diabetes, Covid-19, hepatitis, human papillomavirus, and many others.

Total score
11.5 /20
Measurement theme Score

Respect human rights

7.5 /10

Provide and promote decent work

2.0 /6

Act ethically

2.0 /4

More about the company


This company is part of the SDG2000, the 2,000 most influential companies globally

See company profile SDG2000