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Ajinomoto Group

Assessed in 2023

Ajinomoto Group is a Japanese food and biotechnology corporation that produces seasonings, cooking oils, frozen foods, beverages, sweeteners and amino acids. The group is the world’s largest manufacturer of amino acids and sells its products in over 130 countries. Its leading product categories include umami seasonings (AJI-NO-MOTO), consommé (Ajinomoto KK Consommé), Japanese flavour seasonings (HON-DASHI), soups (Knorr Cup Soup) and menu seasonings (Cook Do). Outside of food, Ajinomoto also has activities in healthcare and pharmaceuticals.

Total score
11.5 /20
Measurement theme Score

Respect human rights

8.5 /10

Provide and promote decent work

1.5 /6

Act ethically

1.5 /4

More about the company


This company is part of the SDG2000, the 2,000 most influential companies globally

See company profile SDG2000