See total ranking


Naftogaz is a state-owned integrated oil and gas company headquartered in Ukraine. In 2019, it had USD 6.40 billion in revenue and a reported 55,078 employees*. Naftogaz aims to transition into an energy company with a portfolio of renewable energy products and energy efficiency services. However, the company continues to expand its gas resource base and hydrocarbon production.

Ranking position
#59 /100
Total score
4.0 /100
Performance score
1.7 /20
Narrative Score
Trend Score
  • Trend line is up
  • Trend line is equal
  • Trend line is down
Performance module name Performance module score Rank (0-100)


0.0 /100 #38

Material Investment

14.1 /100 #17

Intangible Investment

0.0 /100 #20

Sold products

12.1 /100 #9


10.6 /100 #77

Supplier Engagement

0.0 /100 #57

Client Engagement

8.8 /100 #31

Policy Engagement

30.0 /100 #27

Business Model

0.0 /100 #52

Leading practices

No leading practices were identified for this company.

Risks and opportunities


Naftogaz receives a trend score of -. If the company were reassessed in the near future, its score would likely decrease. Despite its commitment to reach carbon neutrality by 2040, the company has not set scope 1 and 2 or scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions reduction targets. As such, it is not on track to keep pace with the rate of reductions required by its 1.5°C pathway. Without a detailed transition plan or significant CapEx dedicated to low-carbon projects and emissions reduction, Naftogaz is unlikely to attain its goal of becoming an integrated energy company and achieving carbon neutrality.

Progress towards the Paris Agreement

More about the company

Kyiv, Ukraine
Group revenue
(2019) UAH 149,781,000,000 (USD 6.40 billion)
Ownership structure
State owned
Number of employees
Scope of activity
Fully integrated