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Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC)

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) is a state-owned integrated company headquartered in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). In 2020, it did not report its revenue or number of employees. ADNOC has the world’s 8th largest oil and gas reserves. There is no evidence that it has initiated a transition to the low-carbon economy, which is in stark contrast to UAE’s ambition for a post-hydrocarbon future.

Ranking position
#96 /100
Total score
0.7 /100
Performance score
0.3 /20
Narrative Score
Trend Score
  • Trend line is up
  • Trend line is equal
  • Trend line is down
Performance module name Performance module score Rank (0-100)


0.0 /100 #38

Material Investment

0.0 /100 #84

Intangible Investment

0.0 /100 #20

Sold products

0.5 /100 #50


4.7 /100 #83

Supplier Engagement

0.0 /100 #57

Client Engagement

0.0 /100 #53

Policy Engagement

20.0 /100 #47

Business Model

0.0 /100 #52

Leading practices

No leading practices were identified for this company.

Risks and opportunities


ADNOC receives a trend score of -. If the company were reassessed in the near future, its score would likely decrease. Although it has a target to reduce emissions intensity by 25% by 2030, there is little recent evidence in support of this. ADNOC seems unlikely to decrease its emissions intensity at a rate fast enough to align with its 1.5°C pathway.

While the UAE is attempting to prepare for the post oil and gas world, ADNOC remains unaffected by this ambition and has made no attempt to integrate it into its strategy and business model. The company’s only new business activities relate to increasing its unconventional natural gas production.

Progress towards the Paris Agreement

More about the company

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Group revenue
No data available
Ownership structure
State owned
Number of employees
No data available
Scope of activity
Fully Integrated