Impact and dependencies assessment
While Teck Resources mentions its quantitative metrics to demonstrate nature-positive impact, no evidence was found that the company has holistically assessed its impacts or how it depends on nature, including biodiversity. It has an opportunity to start such an assessment across its value chains, focused on quantification of its impacts or dependencies.
Key areas and species
Teck Resources does not disclose the locations of its suppliers that are in or adjacent to areas important for biodiversity. Moreover, the company does not disclose species populations existing in or adjacent to its own locations and its suppliers.
Ecosystem conversion and restoration
Teck Resources does not disclose a commitment to ensure zero conversion, nor does it disclose activities or time-bound targets to achieve conversion-free supply chains. Moreover, Teck Resources does not disclose a commitment to minimise ecosystem conversion, although it implements strategies for reclamation. While Teck Resources has set goals for conserving and rehabilitating at least three hectares for every one hectare affected by its mining activities, it is unclear whether rehabilitation plans will be implemented on the affected land. Furthermore, no evidence that the company has a commitment regarding the restoration of ecosystems was found in the public domain. The company does not disclose details and outcomes of ecosystem restoration projects in areas affected by its own operations or its suppliers.
Resource exploitation and circularity
While Teck Resources discloses mineral waste by composition, it is unclear about the materials used and recycled input materials. The company does not report quantitatively on its group-wide circularity performance. While Teck Resources discloses activities to improve soil health or agrobiodiversity in its production or sourcing practices, it does not disclose a target to improve soil health in its production or sourcing practices.
While Teck Resources reports goals related to water use, the targets are not explicitly tied to a reduction in water withdrawal but rather to goals on water management. Moreover, the company does not engage with suppliers to reduce water withdrawal. The company reports regularly on high- and low-quality water, but no evidence was found that the company reports on water quality parameters such as biological and chemical oxygen demand or total suspended solids. While the company has a target to implement water treatment systems to manage and protect water quality in its operations by 2025, no evidence was found that it reports metrics to reduce water quality pressures. Teck Resources discloses the right to clean water and sanitation as one of its salient human rights, but no action plans have been disclosed.
Solid and air pollution
While Teck Resources discloses data on hazardous waste, no evidence was found that the company addresses the reduction of hazardous waste. Neither was evidence found that the company reduces plastic use and waste in its own operations. While the company discloses waste generated in general, it is unclear about the amount of plastic waste generated. The company does not report time-bound targets to reduce air pollutants across the most material parts of its value chain.
GHG emissions
While Teck Resources discloses its scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, these increased compared to the previous year. Neither does the company demonstrate a year-on-year reduction compared to the baseline year. The company mentions its ambition to achieve net-zero scope 3 emissions by 2050, but it has an opportunity to make this a clear target.
Invasive species
While Teck Resources mentions that it identified invasive species for its biodiversity management plan, it is unclear about the results of these activities that led to the introduction of invasive species in its own operations and value chain.