Ecosystem conversion and restoration
The company does not commit to, or have any time-bound targets in place to achieve conversion-free supply chains. The company’s disclosure regarding activities to minimize ecosystem conversion is limited. Although they provide some evidence of addressing conversion, it does not necessarily indicate that their practices are aligned with DCF. Furthermore, they have not made any commitment to restore ecosystems. The company also fails to disclose specific details and outcomes of any ecosystem restoration projects carried out in areas affected by their operations or those of their suppliers.
GHG emissions
The company should set time-bound targets to reduce its scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas emissions as well as report progress against them. Crucially, the company needs to reduce its scope 1,2 and 3 emissions and its targets need to align with a 1.5-degree trajectory.
Impact and dependencies assessment
The company states that it conducts rigorous environmental assessments before and during project construction, covering aspects such as local vegetation, wildlife, and soil erosion. It also conducts groundwater and soil pollution assessments for ecologically sensitive projects. However, there is an opportunity for the company to disclose the methodology and full results of these processes. While the company has a Code of Conduct for its suppliers that encourages biodiversity conservation and deforestation avoidance, there’s also an opportunity to assess and disclose the impact on nature in its upstream value chain. Additionally, the company has yet to assess or disclose its dependencies on nature within its own operations or its upstream business relationships.
Invasive species
The company has not identified any activities that could lead to the introduction of invasive alien species in its own operations.
Key areas and species
While the company has pledged not to operate in world heritage sites and ecological red line zones, it has an opportunity to disclose the methodology used for identifying areas important for biodiversity. The company can also enhance transparency by disclosing the locations of its suppliers that are in or near areas significant for biodiversity. Furthermore, it has the opportunity to disclose species populations in both its own locations and those related to its suppliers, in alignment with national and international conservation lists.
Resource exploitation and circularity performance
The company does not disclose its inputs, such as its material footprint, and also does not provide quantitative reports on its group-wide circularity performance. The company has a chance to disclose a target that focuses on enhancing soil health in its production or sourcing practices and then report on the progress made towards achieving it.
Solid and air pollution
The company does not disclose relevant information related to pollution in its operations or supply chains.
The company does not disclose relevant information related to water withdrawal or rights to water in its operations or supply chains. It has an opportunity to improve on its disclosure on water pollution by setting disclosing water pollutant metrics and setting time-bound targets to reduce them. The company does not disclose relevant information on rights to water in its operations or supply chains.