See total ranking

Elior Group

Elior Group operates in contract catering and support services, with activities across the United States, United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Spain. The Group's contract catering business serves three key client markets: corporate entities and government agencies (Business & Industry), schools and higher education establishments (Education), and health and welfare establishments (Health & Welfare). Elior Group serves three million customers daily across more than 20,250 restaurants and points of sale.
Ranking position
#198 /380
Total score
12.4 /100
Industry Rank
Restaurants and food service #13
Food and agriculture #181
Measurement area Score Rank (0-380)

Governance and strategy

#1 18.8 /100 #219

Ecosystems and biodiversity

#1 12.0 /100 #161

Social inclusion and community impact

#1 10.4 /100 #239
Indicates the score for the top performing company.

Leading practices

Risks and opportunities

More about the company

Paris, France
Number of employees
Group revenue
USD 3,884,210,526
Ownership structure
Publicly listed

This company is part of the SDG2000, the 2000 most influential companies

See company profile