Ecosystem conversion and restoration
The company does not disclose a commitment to minimise ecosystem conversion or ensure zero conversion, nor does it have time-bound targets. While the company discloses some evidence of addressing conversion, this does not guarantee DCF-aligned practices.
Furthermore, the company is not committed to restoring ecosystems, and it does not disclose details and outcomes of ecosystem restoration projects in areas affected by its own operations or by its suppliers.
GHG emissions
The company should report progress against its scope 1, 2 and 3 emission reduction targets. Crucially, the company needs to reduce its scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions and its targets need to align with a 1.5-degree trajectory.
Impact and dependencies assessment
The company has an opportunity to disclose assessments of its impacts on nature, including biodiversity, within its own operations and in its supply chain. It also has the opportunity to disclose its dependencies on nature within its own operations and upstream business relationships.
Invasive species
The company has not identified any activities that could lead to the introduction of invasive alien species in its own operations.
Key areas and species
While the company has begun efforts to record and promote species diversity, it still has an opportunity to disclose species existing in or adjacent to its own sites, the species populations near its suppliers’ locations, and their status on national and international conservation lists. Moreover, unveiling the locations, both within its operations and among its suppliers, that lie near crucial biodiversity areas would further enhance transparency.
Resource exploitation and circularity performance
No evidence was found regarding the company’s efforts to work towards a circular economy or which organisms it exploits. The company has an opportunity to develop a strategy and publicly report on specific, time-bound targets.
Solid and air pollution
While the company describes its activities to reduce plastic use and transition towards sustainable packaging, it has an opportunity to disclose the associated quantitative data.
The company has an opportunity to disclose further efforts on water withdrawal, including setting targets, working with suppliers, and disclosing on withdrawals from water-stressed areas. The company could also disclose relevant information on water pollution.