Ecosystem conversion and restoration
Danone has a commitment to ensure zero conversion, with time-bound targets to achieve conversion-free supply chains. It discloses some activities to achieve conversion-free supply chains, and discloses the proportion of high-risk commodities which are conversion-free.
Furthermore, the company is committed to restoring ecosystems and it has a time-bound target for its ecosystem restoration activities.
GHG emissions
Danone discloses its target to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 energy and industrial GHG emissions by 47.2% by FY2030 from a FY2020 base year and to net zero by 2050 and it reports progress against these targets. Additionally, it has also set time-bound targets to reduce its scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions and reports progress against them. Finally, the company reduces its scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions and its targets are aligned with a 1.5-degree trajectory.
Resource exploitation and circularity performance
The company discloses activities to improve soil health or agrobiodiversity in its production or sourcing practices. Additionally, it has a target to improve soil health in its production or sourcing practices and reports progress against it.
Solid and air pollution
Danone demonstrates commitment and discloses quantitative data related to plastic use reduction and transitioning towards sustainable packaging, including the proportion of recycled plastic in packaging. The company has also set targets regarding the reduction of virgin plastic.
The company reports how much water is withdrawn for its own operations in water-stressed areas, and it engages with suppliers to reduce water withdrawal. Furthermore, it demonstrates reducing water withdrawal in its own operations.
Danone regularly reports on water pollution, and has targets to reduce water pollution and reports progress against them. Moreover, it discloses that it has enabled a reduction of the net COD ratio per tonne of product by 18% compared to 2021, and that it initiated new industrial facilities for treatment and reclamation of wastewater as well as helped farmers improve water quality by reducing fertiliser.
Finally, the company has a commitment to respect the right to water, and it requires access to water and sanitation, including refraining from negatively affecting access to safe water, to be included in contractual arrangements with its business relationships.