Ecosystem conversion and restoration
Ahold Delhaize does not disclose a commitment to minimise ecosystem conversion, or to ensure zero conversion, and does not disclose activities working towards these goals. While the company has a target to achieve conversion-free supply chains, it does not cover all high-risk commodities. Furthermore, the company is not committed to restoring ecosystems and it does not disclose details and outcomes of ecosystem restoration projects in areas affected by its own operations or by its suppliers.
Impact and dependencies assessment
Ahold Delhaize has an opportunity to disclose assessments of its impacts on nature, including biodiversity, within its own operations and in its supply chain. It also has the opportunity to disclose its dependencies on nature within its own operations and upstream business relationships.
Invasive species
Ahold Delhaize has not identified any activities that could lead to the introduction of invasive alien species in its own operations.
Key areas and species
While Ahold Delhaize has pledged to avoid operational activities near World Heritage sites and IUCN Category I-IV protected areas, it still has the opportunity to disclose its specific locations that are in or adjacent to areas important for biodiversity. Additionally, the company could improve transparency by revealing the locations of its suppliers near important biodiversity areas. Moreover, the company could disclose the species populations existing in or adjacent to both its own locations and those of its suppliers as well as their status aligning with national and international conservation lists.
Resource exploitation and circularity performance
While Ahold Delhaize reports some of its inputs (i.e. plastic), it has an opportunity to disclose all its inputs according to an international standard. The company does not report quantitatively on its group-wide circularity performance. Furthermore, the company has an opportunity to disclose a target to improve soil health in its production or sourcing practices and report progress against it.
Solid and air pollution
Ahold Delhaize does not disclose relevant information related to pollution in its operations or supply chains.
Ahold Delhaize does not disclose relevant information on water withdrawal or water pollution in its own operations or supply chains. No evidence found that the company discloses its processes to implement preventive and corrective action plans for identified specific risks to the right to water and sanitation in its own operations.